Premier Heather Stefanson and Education Minister Cliff Cullen announced today that as a proactive measure the Manitoba government is shifting to a one-week remote learning period for most Manitoba students after the holiday break to ensure schools can implement enhanced measures for in-person learning.
Effective Jan. 10, a phased-in approach will be applied to allow students of critical service workers in kindergarten to Grade 6 and all high-risk students and students with special learning needs in kindergarten to Grade 12 to attend school if no alternate care is available.
Current plans are to have all other students return to in-person learning on Jan. 17.
Meanwhile, all child care centres that offer 12 months of service including those in schools will remain open but are strongly recommended to prioritize children of critical service workers. This also includes school-age child care facilities that operate based on the school calendar.
As of January 10 licensed centres and child care homes will be able to apply for funding to offset the loss of parent fees for situations like reduced capacity due to staff shortages or if they’re required to close due to COVID-19.
The minister noted several enhanced measures have been put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19 in schools and will be expanded in the coming days including:
- Distributing 500,000 rapid tests to all schools for students from kindergarten to Grade 6 and planning to expand access to rapid tests for all Manitobans as the rapid testing kit supply increases in Manitoba, particularly for schools with high case counts of COVID-19.
- Requiring medical masks for all staff during this high transmission period and allowing students to wear a well-fitting mask with at least three layers and schools to provide masks for students if needed. Manitoba will be distributing at least five million more child and adult medical masks over the next eight weeks to increase supply in schools and support increased demand.
The minister noted schools across the province continue to implement enhanced ventilation projects in accordance with provincial ventilation guidelines for schools.
For more information on plans for returning to in-class learning, visit the provincial website here.