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The Manitoba government is set to invest $8 million in the development of a two-year pilot bridge program to serve families that are eligible for Children's Disability Services.

The money will go towards families that can no longer provide care but do not want to place their children in Child and Family Services care. 

“Out-of-home residential supports and in-home family supports enhance the crucial services available to families of children with disabilities outside of the child welfare system,” said Families Minister Rochelle Squires. “This pilot project will provide the right level of support to families experiencing caregiver fatigue and ensure their children are safely supported in fostering arrangements, with access to specialized services. These arrangements will include family involvement, which will reduce the need for Child and Family Services care.”

The program aims to support approximately 20 families per year with flexible service options, the minister noted. Children’s Disability Services (CDS) currently provides a range of services and supports to approximately 6,000 families caring for children with developmental disabilities.

CDS allocates family supports, like respite, according to families’ assessed needs and the availability of resources. Services are intended to strengthen and support families, so more costly, out-of-home placements within the CFS system are avoided, delayed or shortened. In August 2021, the department announced the development of a two-year out-of-home respite initiative.

The pilot bridge program will be established for two years, with dedicated funding of $4 million per year, for a total project cost of $8 million. The government has said they'll release more information about exactly who is available and how to apply in the near future.