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If you've ever driven to or from Thompson, especially in the Winter, you might have a story or two to tell about driving on Highway 6.

A group called the Safer Highway 6 Citizens Action Group was recently at the Manitoba Legislature in Winnipeg to bring awareness to the need for improvements to Highway 6. Especially during the cold, snowy months.

It's extremely dangerous in the winter time because there's so much semi-trailer and double-length trailer traffic. If it's a snowy day, over and over again, if you follow a semi, or one's coming at you, there's a couple seconds where you're blinded from snow. There's been a humongous number of accidents over the years, many people are scared to drive that highway..", said Volker Beckmann, who is part of the Safer Highway 6 Citizens Action Group.

Some of the accidents that have occured over the years on Highway 6 have been fatal. Including as recently as December of 2021 when Thompson's MLA Danielle Adams died in a car crash on the highway.

Beckmann noted they are seeking improvements such as wider shoulders, more rest stops, and more passing lanes. 

The group also has a petition on which has garnered close to 6000 signatures. It was presented to Doyle Piwniuk, Manitoba's Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, who said he would take a drive to Thompson in June to see Highway 6 for himself. While Beckmann and the group were thankful for that future gesture, they say the minister needs to drive Highway 6 in Winter with his own family to truly understand the need for improvements.

Beckmann also mentioned the government said they are looking at a ten-year construction plan. However, he and the group pointed out that according to Manitoba Public Insurance there are 7 to 8 accidents a month on Highway 6. 

".. And if we don't see improvements very soon over the next few years, those statistics for accidents will continue."